Accountability Special (Prop House)
Current status of in-complete Nouns DAO proposals from Open Rounds in Prop House.
You can also find all the important info on and in this HackMD document.
Round 2 (3 ETH, April 2022)
web3 Teachers
was delayed due to market conditions and negative views of crypto
the main proposer is no longer part of the community, ETH seems to be spent
Round 3 (2 ETH, May 2022)
Stoned Nouns
no info, tortina (advisor) doesn’t have updates either
social media dead
the wallet is active and has ETH
Round 4 (2 ETH, June 2022)
Noun 319 goes boxing
haven’t found evidence on Instagram, don’t have other contact info
FashNoun certification
I don’t understand the prop to be honest, they claim to have made a custom minting with a custom license embedded in it, but the whole process is more costly and complicated than they thought
Nouns Sneakers
spoke in discord DMs, supposedly dapp launching “soon”, but that was in October 2022 & the proposer is no longer responding to messages
Round 5 (2 ETH, June 2022)
Getting Nounish in Tel Aviv
no info anywhere, cant DM, probably hasn’t been done
Animate Nouns
The site is working (but promised 10+ animations and only 2-3 were working)
Noun Games - sliding puzzle
the game has at first been replaced by a different one made for lil nouns, then the website stopped working, the proposer is no longer active, cant even DM
Round 6 (2 ETH, July 2022)
Guerilla campaign Philippines
only posted a few posters and pics, claims they had a custom website, and much more but no evidence of that + not responding to DMs
Nouns OS
had a break to focus on launching NounsBR fork (and NuNouns)
the last commit on GitHub was a few months ago
Round 8 (2 ETH, August 2022)
The Island
spoke in Twitter DMs - “Kind of ran out of steam. It’s so complex it needs a team and that is hard”
NounO’Clock Ceramic Cups
no social media presence, no updates anywhere, cant DM
A Nouns Perpetual Story Engine
delayed a lot
Round 9 (2 ETH, September 2022)
Scoped voting delegation
prop by danizord
I’m not smart enough to verify the GitHub, but the frontend is not working for me & they haven’t replied to DMs in months
Hot Sauce
it’s coming, but it’s hard to do since the proposer is growing his own peppers, perhaps this summer?
Round 10 (2 ETH ,September 2022)
NounsDAO ZKP Private Voting
no public updates, no response to DMs
Nouns School Web3 Platform
website ready, workshop date TBD
Round 11 (2 ETH, October 2022)
Nounish MEV Bot
prop by Danizord
it’s supposed to be ready, just needs to pass prop to fund it, but it has been months + no response to DMs
Round 12 (1 ETH, December 2022)
delayed due to health issues
website is up, but the info is very limited, they should properly launch in July
Round 13 (1 ETH, December 2022)
Nouns Mail: A Token-Gated Email Address
created a demo and went onchain to get more funding, but the prop was defeated
Round 14 (0.5 ETH, February 2023)
BookDAO: A charitable bookclub built on Nouns.
supposedly deployed on testnet, but having some issues with art they are trying to solve
Card game for children - Nunish Old Maid
working on the game based on the latest tweet, cant DM
Round 15 (0.5 ETH, March 2023)
Pizza Nouns ⌐◨-◨
CharlyCripto executed the prop on behalf of the original proposer (as they were in the process of moving to another country), only one image shared publicly so far, waiting for more media (it is being edited now)
produced & distributed during NFT Brasil
What would an IRL Nouns lifestyle look like?
Round 16 (0.5 ETH, March 2023)
Noggles as the center of a community ⌐◨-◨
dealing with legal permits
Skydiving Stunt Featuring Nouns Glasses for NounsDAO Promotion
they tried the stunt but unfortunately lost the VR goggles during skydiving, waiting to see if there is another try
no social media accounts were shared in the prop, apart from YouTube account that has 0 public videos
visited the most famous Schiacciata place in Florence (mentioned in the promo vid) this summer, and the paper wraps didn’t feature Nouns
funds haven’t moved
Round 17 (0.5 ETH, April 2023)
Cycling Caps for Nouns Cycling Club
caps arrived, will be distributing them soon
Nouns × Pray for Peace Collection
the first event happened on 23.6. - you can watch it on YouTube,
second event in August
Dynamic Auction Algorithm
DMd on Twitter, didn’t find any info about ATX Nouns
Navigating Settlement Roadblocks: Improving Sub-DAOs’ NFT Auction Journeys
the first proof of concept in this tweet, more soon
Round 18 (0.5 ETH, April 2023)
Nouns Fashion- “magnificence of minimalism”
don’t really understand the prop from the text, but the team seems capable and claims they are in production, they already posted some nice photos with custom clothing
Nounspost. com - SEO for the Nouniverse
website is live and working, 3 new articles since winning in Prop House (the last one at the end of May)
HD Nouns Playground (Black/White and Colour)
the black and white playground is functional, waiting for the color version
⌐◨-◨ x WeWork
the campaign is planned for June-July based on info on their website
Prototype Nouns Deck! ♠♥ ⌐◨-◨ ♦♣
no reply yet but I have high conviction they will use the funds wisely and get prototypes
Round 19 (0.5 ETH, May 2023)
Pizza Day ⌐◨-◨
done, waiting for media
Picture book of animals Noun.
being worked on - Tweet
Nouns Beauty Contest w/ Pairwise Voting
timeline is 2.5 months (end of July)
⌐◐-◐ Nounish T-Shirt Printing Workshops
Round 20 (2.5 ETH, May 2023)
Nouns Graffiti Oracle
working with ripe, 40 and greg on custom contract for distributing funds to stakers with noggle graffiti - see